What to Bring to Your Next Urgent Care Visit

toy ambulance against bright pink and green background

Urgent care visits should never be stressful, even when you’re feeling unwell or dealing with an unexpected health issue. One way you can ensure a smooth visit is by checking in online ahead of time if you made an appointment. But it’s also important to come prepared with the right items and information. This will make the entire process go as smoothly and quickly as possible. Here’s a comprehensive guide on everything you need to bring for a stress-free urgent care experience.

Six Items You Should Bring to Urgent Care

1: A Valid Form of Identification

You will need a valid picture ID to verify your identity, such as:

  • Driver’s license
  • Passport
  • Student ID
  • Military ID

2: Proof of Insurance

Your insurance information is required for billing purposes, and having this information ready when you check in can save time and reduce stress. At Total Point Urgent Care, we accept most insurance providers, as well as Medicare and Medicaid.

Make sure to bring your insurance card with you, or that the digital version of your card is easily accessible. It’s a good idea to carry your insurance information in your wallet at all times, so you’re always prepared for an emergency. 

If you do not have medical insurance, please don’t avoid making a trip to urgent care because of it. We discount all of our rates for patients who do not have insurance. You can also get unlimited office visits at any Total Point Urgent Care clinic with your
 Total Point Wellness Membership.

3: A List of Your Current Medications

No matter the reason for your urgent care visit, it’s important to provide a complete list of medications you’re currently taking. This includes prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, and supplements. Knowing your medication regimen helps our medical staff prevent any adverse drug reactions and provide the best care possible. 

4: Necessary Medical Supplies

Items such as inhalers, glucose meters, epinephrine injectors, and other medical supplies can be crucial in managing your condition and providing the urgent care team with a clear understanding of your health needs. Even if your urgent care visit isn’t related to the condition that requires these supplies, it’s still important to have them on hand in case you have an unexpected asthma attack, allergic reaction, etc. 

5: Payment Method

Even with insurance, there might be copayments or additional charges for services not covered by your plan. It’s essential that you bring a credit card, debit card, or cash to handle these expenses. 

6: Comfort Items

At Total Point Urgent Care, we always strive to keep wait times short. However, urgent care clinics are often busy at night, on weekends, and on holidays. If you visit during one of these times, you may have to face a longer wait. Bringing comfort items such as a book or headphones can help pass the time. Opt for comfortable, loose-fitting clothing, bring a jacket or sweater to keep you warm in the waiting room, and bring a bottle of water to help you stay hydrated. 

Contact Information You Should Have on Hand

Primary Care Physician

We may need to consult your PCP about your medical history or current treatment plans, so it’s important to have their contact information readily available. 

Emergency Contact

You will need to provide the contact details of a family member or close friend as an emergency contact. This person will be notified if there are any significant developments in your care or if you need assistance after your visit. 

Questions You Should Be Prepared to Answer 

Your Symptoms and Their Duration

Be ready to describe your symptoms in detail, including when they started, their severity, and any triggers you’ve noticed. The more specific you can be, the easier it will be for our team to diagnose and treat your condition effectively. You may want to write down all the details about your symptoms ahead of time, and bring the notes to your visit so you don’t forget anything. 

Your Medical History and Current Medications

You should also be prepared to discuss your medical history, including any chronic conditions, past surgeries, and current medications. This information is vital in avoiding potential complications and ensuring you receive appropriate care. 

Your Allergies

Inform the urgent care staff if you have any allergies, especially allergies to medications or food. Allergies can significantly impact the treatment options available, so clear communication is essential. 

Your Family’s Medical History

Knowledge of your family’s medical history can provide valuable insights into your own health risks. Be ready to share information about any significant health issues that run in your family, such as heart disease, diabetes, or cancer. 

Your Local East-Central Texas Urgent Care Clinic

Having these essential items and information on hand will make your urgent care visit as stress-free as possible. At Total Point Urgent Care, we’re dedicated to providing fast and convenient urgent medical care. Our low-cost, walk-in clinics are open Monday through Saturday from 7am to 7pm.

Visit our clinic in Bullard, TX, or find a convenient location near you to receive compassionate, personalized care from our dedicated team.


Images used under creative commons license – commercial use (6/18/2024). Photo by JOSHUA COLEMAN on Unsplash

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